CloudConf: Speakers

don't miss it!

09:00 - 09:45 Check-in & welcome coffee

Keynotes in "Room 500"


Modern architectural work: from defining to enabling

by Michael Plöd
Fellow @ INNOQ


A conversation about your code to build features in a fraction of the time

by Danilo Poccia
Chief Evangelist (EMEA) @ Amazon Web Services

11:00 - 12:15 Coffee Break, Networking e Lightning talks

Cofee Break

To network with the participants, have a good breakfast and relax a bit.

Sponsor Exhibition

To discover the services, gadgets and products of the sponsors who support us year after year.

Lightning Talks

4 open tables for 8 technical talks with open discussion on different chapters!


8 lightning talks will take turns in 4 locations! Soon we will publish titles and contents! (lightning talks are in italian)


Costruire relazioni migliori tra Dev e Aziende

by Guido Penta & Simone Torrisi - Forloop


Java & Cold Start?

by Gianni Forlastro e Francesco Pirrone - Finwave


Firma e verifica delle container images, ovvero assicurarsi che il software sia ciò che dichiara di essere

by Denis Maggiorotto - Sunnyvale


IoT: ingestion, streaming e analisi real time e interattiva dei dati

by Alessandra Bilardi - Corley Cloud


Serverless a tutto gas: la nuova frontiera dei microservizi con AppSync e Merge API

by Stefano Monti - Corley Cloud


La business intelligence ai tempi dell'intelligenza artificale

by Diego Zunino - Ellycode


Gaming inclusivo: il ruolo dell'IA generativa nello sviluppo di videogiochi accessibili a giocatori ciechi e ipovedenti

by Arianna Ortelli - Novis Games


Alternative a Terraform Cloud? Una soluzione open con GitHub Actions e Digger

by Andrea Sosso & Joel Garcia - CriticalCase


Unlocking Cloud Application Insights with Grafana's API Monitoring

by Usman Ahmad
Senior Developer Advocate @ Grafana Labs


The scale of Identity

by Norberto Leite
Principal Engineer @ Okta

13:20 - 14:00 Lunch

Keynotes in "Room 500"

14:00, #CLOUDOPS

CloudOps Topic: 5 AWS Outages; what can we learn?

by Dylan Ratcliffe
Founder & CEO @ Overmind

14:30, #DEVEX

How Google does Software Engineering

by Riccardo Carlesso
Developer Advocate @ Google Cloud

15:15 - 16:00 Coffee Break, Talks & Networking


A Tale of Tail Latency: Understanding Kubernetes CPU Requests and Limits For Sustainability and Profit

by Ara Pulido
Staff Developer Advocate @ Datadog

16:30, #COPILOT

How Generative AI of Copilot can help SecOps analysts

by Marco Obinu
Azure Technical Trainer @ Microsoft

17:15 - 17:45 Aperitivo finale

Early bird tickets are available!

Reserve your ticket now! Invoice will be sent via email


Frequently asked questions

wht's included with the ticket?

Full access to the conference (at 18th june), wardrobe service, gadget, breakfast, lunch and closing aperitif. All networking activities are included.


With the conference ticket i can access to workshops?

The workshops will be hosted the days before and after the CloudConf and a dedicated ticket will be required.


The ticket is refundable?

The ticket is not refundable, but you change name of attendee whenever you want.


Which is the language of the event?

All keynotes are in english. Most of lightning talks are in italian. Mentorships sessions are available in english.


Can I pay via bank transfert?

Yes. For any needs about tickets and payment please write to a