The 2020 edition recap!

It was a great success! Thanks to all attendees!

Speakers and slides!

Danilo Poccia , Amazon Web Services

A conversation about your code to build features in a fraction of the time


Riccardo Carlesso , Google Cloud

How Google does Software Engineering


Ara Pulido , Datadog

A Tale of Tail Latency: Understanding Kubernetes CPU Requests and Limits For Sustainability and Profit


Norberto Leite , Okta

The scale of Identity


Dylan Ratcliffe , Overmind

CloudOps Topic: 5 AWS Outages; what can we learn?


Usman Ahmad , Grafana Labs

Unlocking Cloud Application Insights with Grafana's API Monitoring


Marco Obinu , Microsoft

How Generative AI of Copilot can help SecOps analysts


Michael Plöd , INNOQ

Modern architectural work: from defining to enabling


Guido Penta & Simone Torrisi , Forloop

Costruire relazioni migliori tra Dev e Aziende


Gianni Forlastro e Francesco Pirrone , Finwave

Java & Cold Start?


Alessandra Bilardi , Corley Cloud

IoT: ingestion, streaming e analisi real time e interattiva dei dati


Stefano Monti , Corley Cloud

Serverless a tutto gas: la nuova frontiera dei microservizi con AppSync e Merge API


Diego Zunino , Ellycode

La business intelligence ai tempi dell'intelligenza artificale


Andrea Sosso & Joel Garcia , CriticalCase

Alternative a Terraform Cloud? Una soluzione open con GitHub Actions e Digger


Rafael Sabaudo & Gabriele Cedrino , Corley Cloud

AWS CDK: rivoluzionare l'Infrastructure as Code


Dario Tranchitella , Clastix

Mind the gap between Pods and EndpointSlice: best practices on scaling Kubernetes to +10k Pods


Matteo Moroni , beSharp

Next Gen Recommendation Engine con la Gen.Ai


Matteo De Ponti ,

Road to Domain Driven, vita spericolata di un Cloud Engineer
